Dr. Darrin Waldroup

Bethel Worship services Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 11AM & 6PM

Live at BethelBaptistUSA.com

FaceBook Stream CLICK HERE

Bethel One Way Youth

Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025 at 6:45PM

in the Bethel Austin Center (ages 3-25)

Wednesday Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025 at 7PM 
Watch Live atBethelBaptistUSA.com
FaceBook Stream CLICK HERE

Connect Groups meeting throughout the week.
Download the church app on your mobile device to find your group and Connect!

Men’s Bible Study and Prayer – Tues @ 7PM Ladies Bible Study and Prayer – Tues @7PM
Outreach Thur at 7PM and Brotherhood Connect 1st Sat at 8AM

Bethel on sermonaudio.com

Dial: 712-432-3410 church code 06328


Watch Pastor Darrin on the Bethel YouTube Channel CLICK HERE



(A Note From Pastor Darrin)

Friend, we live in a world torn apart by hate, by wars, by greed and by the very powers of Satan himself. Homes are broken, hearts are broken, churches are torn apart and there is unrest in governments and nations around the world. Where will it all end? Is there no hope, no stopping point? These questions are being asked by mothers and fathers, by preachers and church members and by heads of state. Does anyone care? Does God care? Well if no one on earth cares, I’m glad to report to you that GOD DOES CARE.

You may be a social outcast whom the devil has robbed of all your earthly, spiritual and moral wealth. You may be bleeding from the wounds that Satan and sin have inflicted upon you. Well, just remember that Jesus is the all-powerful Savior and He cares for you. He cares if you are saved. And He promised to save those who will come to Him. Jesus said “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37)

In this awful time of unsafety, Jesus offers you complete safety from sin and Satan. I heard someone say once that there is no safe place on earth anymore. But Jesus is a safe shelter from the storms of life. In Jesus, you are safe from false religion, you are safe from death , and you are safe from hell. You are, as the song says “Safe in the arms of Jesus.”

There is an awful unrest in the world today. No one seems to be satisfied anywhere with anything for very long. People change jobs. They change husbands and wives. They change churches, sometimes going from one extreme to another, yet they are still dissatisfied. When we come to a right relationship with Jesus, we will find complete satisfaction. As the song says “I’ve never been sorry, since I trusted His name”. Apostle Paul said it best “we are complete in Him, which is the Head of all principality and power.”(Col 2:10) Jesus is all we need

Friend have you called upon Jesus? Do you attend services at the House of God? I invite you to call on Jesus, follow Him, attend His House, and study His Word.

Upcoming Revivals

Our nation, state, community, church and families need a Holy Ghost sent, revival. We are Praying For Revival

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